
Hot shit.

This may be the push I needed in the "do I get an Elvis tattoo, do I not get an Elvis tattoo" debate:

The above is total escapism from what I was going to do, which is write about my crazy disgust with the media trying to rile up the terrified honkeys re: the minister at Barack Obama's church. I would link to one of the many news stories about it, but it would probably give you a headache to read about the Clinton campaign characterizing Wright's speech as "bigotry" and the National Review calling it incitement to "racial warfare." When what he actually seemed to be saying was that we live in a racist and racially injust society (true) and that our actions overseas may somehow affect our homeland security (true) and that for a long time we arrogantly thought no enemy could hurt us on our own soil (I know I thought that until 9/11, and I wish I still could). God forbid someone get pissed and point that shit out.

Oh nuts, looks like I wrote about it anyway. UGH. I don't think sexism is going to lose the nomination for Hillary (although sexism sure isn't doing her any favors - I would have posted Tracy Morgan's great rebuttal to Tina Fey's pro-Hillary rant on SNL but does everyone who doesn't like her have to call her a bitch?!) but I think racism may lose it for Obama. Geraldine Ferraro should get a really unpleasant papercut next time she signs a Fox News contract.

Go back up to the top and watch the beautiful men sing. It lowers the blood pressure slightly.


SallyBeth said...

BEST MASHUP EVER!!! First mashup ever?!?

Beck said...

1. Elivs tattoo? yes and yes. More info please.

2. Watching Obama's speech was the best 40 minutes of my life.

3. What's the Tina Fey/ Tracy Morgan story? I'm intrigued.

4. Love you with all my heart.